Dawn of Love_A contemporary reverse harem romance Page 2
“I know that. It’s a sore subject for me.”
“When time can we expect you back?” Max asks, filling the awkward silence.
“We should be back around midnight tonight. I can’t wait to get home, I’ve been missing you like crazy.”
“Thanks, Hud, I can’t say I’ve missed you, though,” Max says, giving me a wink.
“Ha bloody ha,” Hudson responds. “You’ve been enjoying your alone time with Louisa way too much, I think.”
“It’s been great, mate,” Max ribs gently.
“That late? We were expecting you back a bit earlier,” I say, cutting over their banter.
“Yes, I know. Sorry, Louisa. We’ve had some business to wrap up and it’s taken us a bit longer than we originally thought.”
“It went well, then, I take it?” I ask. I’m not entirely sure what they’d gone out to Amsterdam to discuss. I think it was to do with finalising a new venture, purchasing holiday apartments abroad somewhere exotic, but it had been all very last minute and I hadn’t been filled in on all the previous months’ negotiations.
“Very well. We have some amazing news, but I’ll fill you both in when we’re back. There may even be a little surprise for you too, baby.”
“Surprise? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”
“You will this one… Fancy a holiday?”
“A holiday?” I glance at Max, who is smiling knowingly.
“Uh-huh. Pack up for a warm climate because Sunday we are all going to fly off to an exotic country surrounded by the Andaman Sea.”
My mouth drops open in shock. Max grins his megawatt smile at me. “That’s right. We’re all heading to Thailand for a few weeks.”
“You’re kidding me.” The only time I’ve been abroad was to Alpe D’Huez where I met the brothers. Flying to Thailand is like a dream come true.
“Nope, I’m not. This time next week we will all be lying on a beach in Krabi in front of a new holiday complex we’ve just bought,” Hudson says. I can tell by his voice he is smiling.
“Right, I’ve got to go. See you later. Love you, baby.” I don’t get a chance to say goodbye before the phone cuts off.
I turn to look at Max. “Is this really happening?”
“Holy shit,” I say, flabbergasted. Who would have thought that three months ago I would meet the brothers Freed, fall in love, move in with them and then get the opportunity to go Thailand? Not me, that’s for sure.
But I am.
The thought of lying on a beach next to three sun-kissed Adonises is an image I do not want to lose any time soon. “We’re really going on holiday to Thailand?”
Max smiles. “Yep, we really are.”
I let out an excited squeal, traverse around Max’s desk and throw myself into his arms. Thailand, here we come.
Chapter Two
Nisha grins at me from the kitchen stool she’s perched on in her and Calum’s apartment. It’s taken a while, but with the love and support of us all, including Calum, she is almost back to her old self. The bruises may have faded a while ago, but she is still traumatised by her experience. Smithy is still on the run, but Calum is working day and night with the police and the security team to track the bastard down. The thought that he’s still out there kills all of us. It had been a mistake to underestimate him, and Nisha paid the price. But there is a silver lining; it brought her and Calum together. It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her.
“You’re going to Thailand? I’m so jealous. You’re one lucky cow,” she says, chopping up the red bell pepper.
“I know, right? I mean, it’s crazy to think this time next week I’m going to be lying on a pristine white beach with turquoise water lapping at my feet.”
“Alright, alright. Don’t rub it in!”
“Hey, sweetheart, what are you two talking about?” Calum says as he enters the apartment. Nisha moved in with him a couple of weeks ago after he decided that they were practically living with each other anyway. We had let go of my mum’s flat, and Nisha had stayed with us in the main house up until moving in with Calum in his apartment above the garage. It sounds pokey, but in actual fact the apartment is huge, with high ceilings, two bedrooms and all the mod cons. Nisha has settled in very well and their relationship has really blossomed. I am so happy for her, for them both.
“Oh, hey, Cal,” Nisha says, placing the knife on the table and pulling him in for a kiss. “Lou was just telling me about her trip to Thailand. I must admit I’m ridiculously jealous. I’ve never stepped out of London, let alone on a plane abroad somewhere so exotic.”
“Well, it’s just as well we’re going too,” Calum says, delight lighting his face at Nisha’s and my shocked expressions.
“What do you mean, we’re going too? You’re joking?” Nisha says, gobsmacked.
“Sweetheart, why would I joke about that? Max has just confirmed it. The brothers need me with them and they figured it would make a great holiday for you both too.”
“Oh, my gaaaahhhh!” Nisha jumps up and throws her arms around Calum, who laughs at her enthusiasm. She presses kisses over his face, then breaks free from his arms and hugs me too.
“Bloody hell, Nish, you’re suffocating me.” I laugh, almost swallowing a mouthful of her hair.
“What’s all the excitement about?” Max asks as he steps into the room. He is holding a bottle of white wine and a pack of beers.
“You, Mr Freed, are just about my favourite person right now,” Nisha says, giving him a hug too.
Max laughs. “I take it Calum told you the good news?”
“He sure did,” she replies, taking the bottle of wine from him. “This is going to be so much fun!”
“Not all fun for me and the boys, but for you and Louisa this is our way of thanking you for everything…” Max’s voice trails off as he catches Calum’s eye.
“Thanking us?” Nisha asks, looking bemused. “Shouldn’t it be us who’s thanking you?”
“Nope, it shouldn’t. We were a lonely bunch before you came into our lives. Why can’t we spoil the women we love with a holiday?” Max says with a gentle shrug, before wrapping his arm about my shoulder.
“Women we love?” Nisha says quietly, looking from Max to Calum.
“Oops, did I let the cat out of the bag?”
“I…” Calum starts, the words trailing off.
I see the way Calum and Nisha are looking at each other. Looks like dinner is off the cards for tonight. “Come on, Max. I think they need a moment. We can order in a takeaway,” I say, hooking my arm through his.
“What? But whatever Nisha is cooking up smells delicious and I’m bloody starving…” Max says, frowning at me.
“Max,” I say, tugging on his arm. “You can’t drop something like that and not expect fireworks.”
Max follows my gaze and sniggers. “I suppose not.” Nisha and Calum are kissing passionately and the temperature in the room has just gone up about twenty degrees.
“Come on, let’s leave them to it.”
“We’ll just head on out, guys. Catch you later…” Max says in a sing song voice. They don’t respond, completely oblivious to either of us.
“So, what’s it to be? Chinese, Thai, or curry?” I say, now we’re back inside the house. I flick through the takeout leaflets lying on the kitchen island. Max sidles up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He presses his body firmly against mine and rests his chin on my shoulder.
“You choose. I’m feeling a little distracted.”
“Distracted, eh?” He certainly is, I can feel his cock pressing against the crack of my arse.
“Hmm.” Max pulls my hair away from my neck and presses a hot kiss against the spot just below my ear. It’s probably one of my favourite places to be kissed. Max is fully aware of this, in fact he knows all the places I like to be kissed.
“You not hungry?” I ask, my hands curling over the edge of the counter as his glide up over my hips and begin tugging
my blouse from my skirt.
“Right now, I’m feeling a different kind of hunger. You’re still wearing this tight little skirt and all I want to do is pull it up over your luscious arse and fuck you here over the kitchen counter.”
“That’s a kind of hunger I can satiate,” I murmur, my words hot and heavy. Leaning down slightly, I reach for the hem of my skirt and pull it upwards. Max moves back a fraction, giving me the space to wiggle my hips. The skirt is tight, and the movement is necessary to get it up over the curve of my bottom.
“Damn it, Icy, you’re killing me,” Max says.
A satisfied smile curls my lips. This morning I put on a cream, lace thong. Pretty underwear has become a bit of an obsession, especially since I know how much it turns my men on. Max crouches down behind me, his warm fingers sliding up from my ankles to my hips. In one swift movement he has ripped my lace panties from me and flung them aside. Damn it, they were from Rigby and Peller, and cost me a small fortune. That thought flutters away as Max presses his lips against the very base of my spine, just above the crack of my arse cheeks. Before Max, no one had ever kissed me there. I had no idea so many nerve endings existed in such an unusual spot. He swirls the tip of his tongue in small circles whilst his hands gently knead my arse cheeks. I can’t help but groan.
“Do you like that, Icy?”
“You know I do.” I shudder as his skilled fingers find their way around the front of my body, to my waxed mound.
“And this?” he whispers, pressing his finger against the nub of my clit, swirling it gently.
“Yes,” I breathe out.
“And this?” he repeats, sliding his finger between my parted legs.
This time I can’t answer him, as his lips and tongue slide lower over the curve of my arse. His teeth graze across my skin gently, alternating between teeth, tongue and lips. Max’s fingers are playing me skilfully. Beneath them I am a hot mess.
“Max,” I grind out, my hips bucking against his hand in a frantic race to reach the peak I am climbing. He doesn’t stop, he keeps fucking me with his fingers and caressing me with his mouth. The combination of desperate friction and tender kisses is explosive. I throw my head back and groan as an orgasm rips through my body. Max stands, holding my shuddering body back against his own.
“Icy, you are fucking beautiful when you come.” He waits for the wave of pleasure to subside and my heart to slow to a steadier beat, before unzipping his trousers and freeing his cock. He waits, the firm curve of him sliding against my wetness, teasing me once more.
“Max, fuck me,” I say, bending over the kitchen counter so he can slide into me easier. I don’t need to ask twice.
Chapter Three
Sunlight edges through the gaps between the blinds. It’s enough light that through my sleep-fogged mind I can see who’s lying next to me. Not that I need my sight to know who it is. From the gentle snoring and vanilla scent, I know it’s Max. I stretch a little, reaching my arms up into the air. Memories of our lovemaking last night come back to me. Sex with these men is incredible, I never tire of it. After a visit to Dr Salahan, I am on the mini-pill, so now there is nothing between my men and me and no danger of any babies being conceived.
From the outside looking in, it may seem strange, my relationship with them all. It is unconventional, yes, but we are all consenting adults. Max, Bryce and Hudson, although they’re brothers by choice, they are not blood related. We hurt no one loving one another, though I imagine some would find it difficult to understand. Honestly, I don’t care. I feel blessed to have their love and no amount of prejudice will ever stop me from loving them. Turning onto my side, my naked body warm and relaxed, I stare at my sleeping beauty. Max’s hair has grown in length. Bryce teases him daily about how he looks like a ‘surfer dude’. I don’t think it’s just his appearance. It’s his relaxed, happy-go-lucky nature as much as anything else.
His eyes flicker open, and it takes a little while for his eyes to focus and for him to wake up fully.
“Morning, beautiful.”
“Hey, Jester. Sleep well?”
“Eventually. A rather sexy secretary had my attention for most of the night.” He grins, pulling me in for a hug. “What time is it?”
“Eight. Early still. I didn’t hear Bryce and Hudson come in last night. Did you?”
“Erm, nope. I was in an orgasm coma.”
“An orgasm coma. Is that a new medical condition I should be aware of?”
“I bloody well hope not, because I sure don’t need a cure.”
I give Max a playful shove. He grabs my wrists and pulls me on top of him. I can feel his morning glory pressed against my stomach.
“I think I might need some more assistance. My secretary seems to be slacking somewhat.”
“Hey, enough of the secretary. I am your personal assistant and I expect to be treated with some respect,” I say in mock anger.
“I can show you respect. In fact, how about some worship, I’m quite happy to worship,” he says, holding me firmly against his chest and flipping me over so that I am lying beneath him. He scatters kisses across my face. “Worship, adoration, love,” he says, following each word with another kiss.
A knock at the bedroom door and a familiar voice has Max’s head dropping and him groaning into my hair. “Bugger it. Just when it was getting interesting.” He slides off me and sits up in bed. “Come in, then.”
The door opens, and Hudson enters. “Hey, Max, don’t give me that look. I thought you’d be pleased to see me.” He winks when Max crosses his arms and huffs.
“Hudson,” I say joyfully, delighted to see him. “We weren’t sure whether you were back or not.” Jumping out of bed, I get up and grab my dressing gown that is strewn across the chaise in the corner of the room. I am fully aware he is taking in my nakedness.
“Hey, there was no need to put that on,” he says, his voice husky.
“There is. As much as I’d love to stay in bed all day, I’m dying for a cup of tea.” I give him a hug, and a lingering kiss that soon deepens.
“Oy, put her down. You’re not the only one who’s missed her,” Bryce says, his large frame leaning against the door.
“Gah, you’re all really bloody annoying,” Hudson moans, though his voice is filled with amusement. He lets me go and I walk straight into Bryce’s arms. He wraps them around me and I lean my head against his chest. It’s funny, when he holds me like this, he is the most tender of the three, but when we make love it is almost always the complete opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, I love his abandon. It’s intoxicating. Bryce is such a contradiction. I guess they all are in their own way.
“When did you get back?” Max asks, getting up and pulling on some pyjamas.
“Early hours. The plane was delayed with fog. I came up to check on you but saw that you were both comatose, so figured I’d wait till the morning to bother you… and snatch Louisa away from you for a bit.”
“Cheers, I guess,” Max says. I can’t help but catch the note of annoyance hidden behind his laugh. Time for this chat, I think. I am not prepared to let them fall out over me. We are a family now and any jealousy or rivalry is misplaced and pointless.
I unravel myself from Bryce’s arms. “Well, I’m glad you’re up. I wanted to have a chat with you all. Shall we go downstairs? I’ll put the kettle on.”
“Sounds serious,” Bryce says, a hint of worry in his eyes, though he hides it well.
“Hey, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ve just got some stuff I want to talk about, okay,” I say, briefly touching my fingers against his arm.
“Sure, we’re here to listen,” Hudson says, following me down the hallway.
Once we all have a cup of tea and are settled in the lounge, I decide to bring up the subject of a rota system. “So, I was thinking. We all agree that you are my boyfriends and I am your girlfriend.”
“Yep, I thought we sorted this out a couple of months ago,” Hudson says with a wink.
with me, there is a point to this discussion.”
“Sorry, carry on.”
“I’ve had boyfriends before, but I’ve never had three all at once and I’m kind of guessing you’ve never had to share before,” I say, feeling my cheeks redden when I suddenly realise that I’ve never asked whether they’ve had a relationship like ours with another girl. “Or am I being a fool, and you’ve all done this before. In which case I’ll shut up now.”
Bryce laughs. “I can safely say that we’ve not done this before, no.”
“Okay, good. Well, it seems to me of late there has been a little tension between you three. Nothing major, just a few sideways looks, or remarks when it comes to who is spending time with me.” None of them say anything to the contrary so I know my intuition is correct. “The last thing I want is to get between you all. You were a family way before I came along and messed up the status quo.”
“You might have rocked our world, but you haven’t messed up the status quo, Icy,” Max says with a bemused look.
Hudson’s face darkens, panic pulling his eyebrows together. “Where are you going with this, Louisa?”
“Hey, nothing like that, okay,” I say, reassuring him. Reassuring them all. “What I’m trying to say is that as much as I love being with you all, all of the time, I know that each of you at some point has said you need time alone with me without the others around. I get that. I completely understand. I absolutely adore being with you all together. It’s wonderful, but that’s me being selfish because I get all of your attention, and at any given moment you only get a piece of mine.”
“I’ll take what I can get,” Bryce says warmly.
“I know that too, Bryce. But I don’t want any of you to feel resentment or jealousy. I’m not suggesting you do and, so far, we’ve muddled along okay. This feeling I’m getting is a recent development. You guys know each other well and are thoughtful to each other’s wishes most of the time. But you can’t deny there has been a shift recently. If I can feel that, then I’m pretty sure you can too. So, let’s just lay our cards on the table. Would each of you like a fixed time alone with me, like a designated day, for example? I could draw up a rota?” I say, pulling a face. All three consider me. Max is the first to speak up.